I just want to take a moment to tell you about an amazing sister I have. She is super cute, very friendly, a hard worker, very cheerful, has a talent for enjoying and uplifting children, and is a very dedicated student (even more than many BYU students I have met). I read her blog recently and discovered that this wonderful sister of mine read the Book of Mormon in 24 hours. As challenged by her leaders, she now has a goal to read it again in 31 days (that's 17.1 pages, or about an hour a night). Two times through in just 32 days. DANG! This girl is absolutely amazing! I wish I was more like her sometimes - such dedication to putting the most important things first. Love ya sis!
With that said - any tips from the more knowledgeable people out there on how in the world to balance working part time, going to school full time, keeping up a home, and making sure these most important spiritual things get priority in life?

Hehehe, guess what I will be missing though? One, simple G.E. credit - History 202. Hello Independent Study. The goal is to get started on this history class, as well as getting a head start on French with my personal tutor (Matt :) ), as soon as I am done with finals.
Whew, it almost feels good just to get that all written down and out of my head :)
Thanks for listening . . . er . . . reading :)
My amazing husband, he is so patient with me, so willing to help around the house and with my French studies. I am so incredibly lucky to have him for all of eternity! Seriously, I would not even think of attempting this next semester without him.
- Hang in there, it won't be like this for long! -
aww cosette you are soo adorable! thanks for that post of me, it made my day. love you!