Monday, January 14, 2013

Back to Resolutions

For the year of 2012 I had a secret resolution. One no one knew about but me. It was a project to see if I could do something to bring happiness. The goal: consciously find 100 ways throughout the year to serve my wonderful husband in a way that was meaningful to him (and without thought for myself). The result: I only made it to 50 :( BUT! I did work on it throughout the whole year, not just at the beginning and then stopping.

I found that it was hard to find little things that I could do for him that were entirely for him and that did not often involve purchasing something. The times that I did forget myself and focused more on making him happy, however, were very happy times. I feel like I learned a lot from this resolution and I may even try it again later - shhh . . . don't tell the Mr. ;)

Here's a quick review, in picture, of my journey to happiness:

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sweet Nostalgia

Oh the Holidays! Such wonderful times!

The warm cuddle times!
The sweet abundance of a seemingly endless food supply!
The great warm weather for outdoor activities :)
The random moments of relaxation and "picture perfect" moments actually caught on camera for once.
The great company and close-up view of wildlife. (Seriously, what are all these pale creatures stuck on a wooden platform doing in my grazing area?)
The soft sitting areas, friendly animals, and kisses!
Ahhh! Sweet nostalgia already!

P.S. We had a wonderful time with the Remund side too! Unfortunately, most of the actual documentation was done by the pro - Miss Britt, Photographer. Though the melodies sung (by the adults as well as the crying trio), food shared (both intentionally and accidentally), and great nap times were so fabulous!

What a Blessed Day

Over the Holiday season, we had the wonderful opportunity to bless Munchkin while we had so much family around! What fun it was - and our little man was such a stud!

He knows he is the center of attention, so naturally he had to delay his own blessing by a whole half hour! The little Munchkin has us all wrapped around his little finger!
Oh! You mean you are waiting for me?! Couldn't be!

Wait! Hold the phone! . . . I need my cuddle time first and foremost!
With Munchkin's grandparents and great grandparents on both sides :)
Adorable blessing tux courtesy of Aunt C (thanks much!)


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