Friday, October 12, 2012

Our Little Man :)

We officially have a new addition to the family - and we couldn't be more ecstatic! . . . can't you see his enthusiasm? :)
This handsome boy was born the evening of October 1 (5 days before his official "due date"). He was definitely excited to come into the world and was even ready before my body was. With no contractions I noticed, but previously dilated to 2 cm and 75% effaced, I found myself running to the bathroom every 25-40 minutes. I thought he must keep head-butting my bladder since I had to go to the bathroom so frequently.

By 9:00 am though, I knew something had to be up - no woman, pregnant or not, should have to go to the bathroom over 8 times within a 3 1/2 hour period (way to go Kegels though)! So, I sent Mr. off to class and then called the doctor to set up a quick appointment to see if my water was leaking. The appointment was for 10:20 am, and Mr.'s class wasn't supposed to end until after that point - so originally I was going to let him to go class, then take a test, and I would go to the appointment and let him know what the doctor said. However, as I got to thinking about it, I didn't want to go alone because I had no idea what they would do at the doctor's office (i.e. if my water was leaking, but no contractions were coming, would they strip my membranes?) - no way did I trust myself to drive if that should happen! 

So I called Mr. home and then left shortly after for the doctor's office. Once we got in, we found some unexpected news - my membranes had completely ruptured (my water broke) - we had to assume it occurred around 5:30 am when the bathroom marathon began. - Still, no contractions. We calmly drove home, sent an email to Mr.'s professors, grabbed our hospital bag, and went to Labor and Delivery. A very odd, calm-like manner (not at all like the movies or like what we expected). 

Admitted around 11:30 am - still no contractions I could feel, yet somehow dilated to a 3 and about 90% effaced. So abnormal! The nurses decided to induce me since baby had to be out within 24-hours of the water breaking and my body didn't seem to be going fast enough. Man, if I can help it, never again! The contractions came so irregularly with exponentially growing intensity. I could handle it at first (yoga ball = my best friend), but as they came harder and harder with little to no breaks between them, I had a very difficult time breathing and relaxing enough to let my body progress. I had been hoping to do an all-natural birth, but with the seemingly endless pain, I knew my body was tensing and fighting what needed to happen (it had been a few hours and I had only dilated to 5 cm) . . . so I called for an epidural. 

Such a weird feeling honestly - my left leg felt as fat as an elephant! We still had slow progress, however - by sometime around 4 or 5 pm, I was still only to 5.5 cm. New methods were necessary for progress - so I practiced my visualization and breathing techniques to imagine that area relaxing and enlarging. Within about an hour I was all the way dilated to a 10! 

Finally, after waiting for the doctor for an hour, and then pushing for 2 1/2 hours (on a VERY hungry stomach), Munchkin graced us with his presence!
8 lbs. 9 oz. - 19 1/2 inches long (sorry Caleen - no head circumference)
Our adorable little blessing coming home :)
No idea how that is comfortable - but he seems to love it :)
We are a happy family! :)


  1. Congrats! He is adorable. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  2. SO CUTE!!!!!!! love this. So much. Cannot WAIT to get to come meet him!

  3. He is so cute Cosette! That same thing happened to me. I didn't have any contractions, my water just broke and they had to induce me. Inducing is the worst! I swear your contractions are worse if you are induced.

    1. I didn't know that! Man, I swear the same thing about inducing - synthetic drugs are just nothing like the real thing!



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