Sunday, June 23, 2013

Thanksgiving Point Gardens

In celebration of our 2 year anniversary, the Mr. and I went back to where he proposed. It was so fun to relive that day and to remember all the things we have done together the last 2 years.

Unfortunately for us, we forgot a better camera and had to resort to documenting the occasion via our cell phone cameras.
The same area he proposed in - The Secret Garden

It's a beautiful area if you've never been. The day was nice and sunny with a cool breeze to keep the temperatures from getting to high. My favorite part was just having the time to focus on us and our relationship without distraction.

Don't get me wrong, we both love our little boy SO much! He just requires so much attention that we have to make a conscious effort to give the undivided attention to each other that our relationship needs. And really, how can we show our baby we love him more than caring for our own marriage? He needs us both so we need to stick together :)
We've decided water Lilies are beautiful!
Have I mentioned how much I love date night? I mean, I love my Mr.-time :)


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