Well. We figured this would happen...again. The Mr. Was made aware of a position in another state with the same company, began looking into it and interviewing for it. Then, within 2 weeks, had a final interview with his prospective employer. At the interview he was offered the job and they wanted him to be there to start work within 2-4 days. He flew home from the interview, we talked it over, he accepted the job, then we drove out the next day to get him started at work. Thankfully, the boys and I weren't doing much that we couldn't easily leave (except Joy School... We miss that).
We spent 6 days in the area, mostly looking at houses and meeting with our real estate agent, lender, and insurance agent. However, we did have some fun: like playing on the stairs in our hotel, and visiting fun playgrounds as we explored the area.

My mother-in-law is the best. She drove 12 hours to pick the boys and I up, take us back to Chicago, and help us pack up and move in 3 days. Then she drove us back. Isn't she amazing?!

On our way back, we needed a rest stop, So we pulled off the interstate into this tiny town... And ran into a fall farmers market/festival! It was a great pit stop!!!

(Note the camel...)

Upon returning to the Mr. and the hotel, we had a quick birthday party for Goose before grandma left. He sure loved the tissue paper!

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