that post about where Matt and I might end up working for the summer? Well, we finally figured out where . . . and it was not any of the previous thought places. Life has a funny way of throwing curves at you like that :)
This is our new home for the summer:
Little Rock, AR |
It was a last minute internship offer for Matt that we just could not refuse, within two weeks (after having waited about 2 weeks before that doing job searching and such) God answered our prayers in a magnificent way we had never imagined - the perfect internship for us! With the job offer in hand, we still had one problem though - where to live? Not many places lease out apartments for 3 months, and the house offered through the internship was for singles (no thank you). We prayed even harder that we might find something, crossed our fingers, and made small preparations to leave UT.
Again, God is very gracious! He worked it out so we got in contact with a couple in the Spanish Branch here who were leaving to do an externship in Mexico for the summer and offered to let us housesit for them! Yay! A place to live!
The next two days were filled with packing and cleaning (A HUGE shout out to Amber, Brandi, and Alex who came on short notice to help us pack up and clean - on Brandi's birthday no less!). That Friday we were on our way across country!
Loving the red rocks of Southern Utah (Moab area) |
Maverik = my favorite place to stop for gas
(not just a trashy gas station - it has class . . . and yummy frozen yogurt)
Sonic = Matt's treat for the trip, Cherry Limeade :)
New Mexico = yay, getting close to a bed for the night!
Bottom Right = an indian reservation, say that 5 times fast (or even once!)
In New Mexico we saw an awesome rainbow and low clouds over the mountains - I had never seen it before, but it was really fun to look at! Like cotton candy fluffs hugging the mountain peaks.
What's missing in Texas? . . . oh yeah, the mountains! It was SO flat! Course, they did have their huge white cross at some christian memorial place we passed by.
Oklahoma! Reminded me of about a million country songs! Actually, we did pass Garth Brooks' home in the country outskirts of Oklahoma City - they even named a street after him . . . too bad I couldn't get the camera out fast enough to get a picture. We did see Checotah though (where Carrie Underwood was raised and mentioned in one of her
songs). Though Oklahoma was quite flat, it did have a nice mix of red dirt in under the green grass - it was quite pretty actually.
After 3 days of driving, we finally made it to Arkansas . . . just in time for church! :) I rather did enjoy the time with my hubby though :)