Spring! Spring! Spring! We hear from the birds outside our house! I know some people hate it, but I LOVE waking up to the sounds of birds chirping in the morning.
We have been "spring cleaning" of sorts here. Mostly just personalizing the house so it feels like ours. We painted 2 accent walls jalapeƱo green. Goose loved to climb the ladder, when we weren't looking, to help paint too.
The boys and I met up with some friends at this park. I have never seen one like it in all our traveling. It was like playing with all the animals at the zoo! Penguins, kangaroo, giraffe, etc.
Mr. Goose has the beginnings of a football player.
As we explore our new city, we find small little treasures in the most unexpected places. It's wonderful to chance upon them and have an opportunity to imagine and pretend!
Family on the Mr.'s side came to visit for a weekend! We loved having them ... And mostly worked on projects. But we got quite a bit accomplished!
Goose found his new favorite food; ranch dressing.
I got a fun book I can't wait to utilize for landscape planning.
We have all loved watching the birds come to our door for the seeds we put in the bird feeder. It's like dinner and a show!
The Mr. and I have found a few babysitters so we can have date night out again (hooray!!)
And I am finding groups to do things with, hikes to go on, nature to explore, ways to keep active, and slowly making friends again!
Hooray for finally reaching the settling-in stage!!
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