Happy Halloween to our little dragon! He didn't care much for trick-or-treating, but he loved seeing all the people.
We also got to go to a pumpkin patch with Deej :) My computer uploaded the rest of the pictures in a random and mixed order - and I'm too lazy to rearrange them all. So we'll just review the fun adventure! First, we had fun picking out little pumpkins. Mickey was SO proud of his strength - he could hold a pumpkin all by himself . . . TWO pumpkins actually! Then we took a bunch of pictures and wandered around to see what else they had to offer. And, they had a petting zoo! Those goats would come right up to the Mr. and Mickey - of course, they were looking for food, but still.
Turns out they had some fantastic backdrops for family pictures. Definitely going to do this again next year!