Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Fall in Review

Happy Halloween to our little dragon! He didn't care much for trick-or-treating, but he loved seeing all the people.
We also got to go to a pumpkin patch with Deej :) My computer uploaded the rest of the pictures in a random and mixed order - and I'm too lazy to rearrange them all. So we'll just review the fun adventure! First, we had fun picking out little pumpkins. Mickey was SO proud of his strength - he could hold a pumpkin all by himself . . . TWO pumpkins actually! Then we took a bunch of pictures and wandered around to see what else they had to offer. And, they had a petting zoo! Those goats would come right up to the Mr. and Mickey - of course, they were looking for food, but still.
Turns out they had some fantastic backdrops for family pictures. Definitely going to do this again next year!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Family Birthday Gathering

A party for our Mickey included . . . 
. . . Crawling, because he was still into that stage at the time. 
 . . . Standing and making funny faces at his aunts and uncles.
 . . . Posed pictures with his aunts
 . . . Opening presents (his favorite snacks)
 . . . More pictures.
 . . . Eating aforementioned favorite snack.
 . . . Ripping wrapping paper (this took a bit of coaxing as he didn't understand the purpose).
 . . . And a whole lot of playing with his new favorite toy! Hooray for freedom to walk where you want! It's a much faster way of transportation.
 Then we stripped him down to his diaper for his birthday "cake" (peach cobbler made from fresh peaches - the latter being his favorite), and . . . he pushed it around with the spoon (he didn't even want to put his hands in) but didn't even taste it. I know, anti-climatic right?
 I tried to feed him some at one point, but he preferred to play with it. Although, he quite enjoyed the left-overs he got to eat every day for about a week. :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

1st Birthday!!

We had a birthday in the house! Our little one turned ONE! Wow, time has flown. We really wanted to celebrate in a way that brought our family together, did something Munchkin enjoys, and was something out of the ordinary. Therefore, we decided to visit the Children's Museum - it was a hit! Fun for the little one, intriguing for the adults, and bringing out the child in everyone.
We were also very lucky to enlist Grandpa J for this excursion. Boy, what fun!
They had this awesome vacuum tube that sucked up the plastic balls placed into the entrance tube and then sent the balls on an adventure through tubing above everyone's heads. Even I enjoyed watching it!
So many plastic, colorful balls! Munchkin absolutely LOVED it! We soon discovered that he didn't necessarily care about following the ball's path of decent through the tubes, he only wanted to put the balls in the hole.  :)
Next stop: water world! Bringing Munchkin to this beautiful work of art was like taking children to Disneyland. He LOVES water and this was the perfect place for him to play in it!
Baby-sized piano in the child-sized house
Old McDonald had a farm . . . oops, sorry! There was a fun farm area there though!

Following the museum festivities, we held a little get-together to celebrate the birthday. More on that in the next post.

Now that our little man is officially 1-year-old, he gets his official blog nickname (he's SO excited, let me tell you). Drum roll please . . . Mickey! From now on, our happy, social "Munchkin" will be "Mickey" (M-I-C-K-E-Y . . . anyone?).


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